Capitular Masonry

Kansas City Chapter No. 28 Royal Arch Masons

Capitular Masonry

The Royal Arch is the continuation of Craft Freemasonry. Its member, called Companions, meet in Chapters under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Missouri, and they in turn under the voluntary jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International. The Chapter confers for Degrees giving a complete story of Masonic Symbolism.


Hight Priest Jewel
The Keystone of the Mark Master

Mark Master Degree

The work on the Temple continues. Amplifying the Fellowcraft Degree, we are taught that the learning we receive there can most usefully and judiciously be employed for our honor and the profit of others, to whom our duty is more clearly defined. A beautiful lesson is exemplified, inculcating the encouraging truth that though we are often misunderstood, underrated, and defamed, there is ONE who will make the rejected stone, the Head of the corner.


Past Master Logo

Past Master Degree

This Degree begins the preparation for the Royal Arch. We are told it was removed from the Symbolic Degrees, of which it was once a part, to reserve it for the more earnest seeker of more Light in Freemasonry. Originally, only actual Past Masters of Lodges were admitted to the sublime secrets of the Royal Arch, which meant that very few could receive them. The Degree of Past Master teaches the candidate that he must first learn to obey before he can rule, and to govern himself before he can govern others, fulfills the obligation and qualifies him for advancement.


Ark of the Covenant

Most Excellent Master Degree

Here we have the most significant Degree in Ancient Craft Masonry. King Solomon’s Temple, which was begun so suspiciously and halted so dramatically in the third Degree, is completed amid much rejoicing and great splendor. The labors of the Craft are given the blessing of the Lord descending as fire from heaven, and King Solomon in his gratitude, received and acknowledged them Most Excellent Masters, empowered to travel and receive Master’s Wages, and charged with the responsibility of sharing their Masonic Light and Knowledge, with those who needed it..


The Triple Tau

Holy Royal Arch Degree

In this Degree we find the actual completion of the Master Mason’s Degree and the Recovery of the lost Word. After the death of King Solomon, his magnificent Temple was destroyed and the Israelites carried away captive to Babylon. Here they lived for about seventy years, many of them acquiring considerable wealth, and some attaining high rank and influence in the Chaldean government. However, when liberated by King Cyrus, many of them returned to Jerusalem and began the rebuilding of the Temple. While this work was going on and the rubbish of the ruins of the first Temple was being cleared away, many interesting and valuable discoveries were made, chief of which was the recovery of the lost WORD. With the recovery of that which was lost, it would seem to the novice that his search for Light was ended, however, in order that he might better acquire the lessons, a seemingly inverse movement of the Degree historically is set up.


Order of High Priesthood

Order of High Priesthood

The Holy Order of High Priesthood is an association for past and current High Priests of local Chapters of Royal Arch Masons. It is also known as a chair degree to be conferred upon those who have been elected to lead a local Chapter. Sometimes, in other jurisdictions, it is referred to as the Anointed Order of High Priesthood. In antiquity, this degree was known as the Order of Melchizadek. The degree depicts Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and his meeting with the High Priest of Salem, Melchizedek.

The Missouri Order of the High Priesthood meets annually, usually during the Annual Grand Chapter Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Missouri. Any Installed or Past High Priest of a Constituent Chapter in Missouri may apply and become a member. There are no annual due for the life membership. Download the Petition for membership.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are Royal Arch Masons?

One of the most fascinating aspects of Royal Arch Masonry has always been how so many men, from so many different walks of life, can meet together in peace, never have any political or religious debates, always conduct their affairs in harmony and friendship, and call each other Companion.

No Rite of Freemasonry covers the world so much as does Royal Arch Masonry. In many countries on the earth and on many isles of the sea, will be found Royal Arch Chapters, eager and willing to receive their Companions from other parts of the world into that full fellowship that characterizes Royal Arch Masonry.

What do Royal Arch Masons believe in?

All Royal Arch Masons believe in one God and in respect for each other.

What are the qualifications to become a Royal Arch Mason?

Royal Arch Masonry is the logical step for every Master Mason to take. If after becoming a Royal Arch Mason, you desire to continue your studies, you may take the Council Degrees and the Commandery Orders, both of which are illustrative of and carry forward the principles of the Royal Arch.

Anyone seeking Membership in the Royal Arch must sign a Petition, stating his age, occupation and place of residence. Members of the Chapter vote by ballot.

What has attracted so many Brethren to seek further light in Royal Arch Masonry?

The Royal Arch Degrees was considered most important in the early years of Freemasonry and so dogmatic was the Mother Grand Lodge – from which all Speculative Masonry derives – that in 1813, when the two Grand Lodges in England united, a firm and solemn landmark was adopted and placed in the Articles of Union to guide Masons throughout the world forever on this matter:

“Pure Ancient Freemasonry consists of but three degrees, that of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch.”

What Degrees are conferred in a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons?

The Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry consists of four Degrees; Mark Master, Virtual Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason.

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